How to Raise a Baby Chicken in an Apartment

Have you ever thought about raising an indoor pet chicken? This thought could have crossed your mind considering you don't take a lawn or because yous simply want to be closer to your chicken. Any the reason, raising an indoor pet chicken is possible and fun.

Many people cringe at the idea of raising a chicken right inside the business firm. Of class, indoor chickens aren't like our typical pets such as dogs and cats, just who says they tin't exist indoor pets too? Here'due south all yous demand to know most raising an indoor pet craven.

An Indoor Pet Craven

Chickens are generally outdoor birds. They demand lots of space to run around, and they love to forage. However, they can likewise relish staying indoors. Having a chicken living with you lot within the house might seem similar a whole lot of problem, just if done the right way, raising an indoor chicken can be fun and rewarding.

The great thing about chickens is that, contrary to what most people retrieve, they tin adapt quickly to your lifestyle. In no fourth dimension, cuddling with yous on the sofa and watching television will get second nature to them. This bonding can keep while they continue to produce fresh eggs for you.

We got into the act of raising an indoor chicken by accident. It all started when our chicken fell ill and needed extreme care. There was no manner we could give her the attention she required without bringing her inside the business firm. We brought her in, and before we knew it, she became a role of the family.

In a matter of weeks, she knew her way around the house and would run straight to the living room whenever the TV came on. It became such an enjoyable experience that when she got meliorate, we couldn't bring ourselves to send her back outside.

Things to Consider Before Deciding on Raising an Indoor Pet Chicken

indoor chickens

While the idea of raising an indoor pet chicken might be thrilling to y'all, at that place are a few things you lot must consider before deciding to enhance one:

1. Chickens Create Dander and Grit

Chickens don't have fur, but many people are allergic to the dust and dander that they produce. Before raising a chicken inside your house, you must be sure that nobody in your family unit is allergic to chicken dust and dander. If anybody in your home is in the slightest bit allergic, yous must notice a place for your pet chicken outside.

two. It Takes a Lifetime Commitment

Are you lot ready to take care of the chicken indoors for her life? As mentioned earlier, a chicken finds it easy to adapt to your lifestyle, and if allowed to stay inside for a while, information technology would get used to that lifestyle and also bond with you lot. Afterward, it would exist harsh to send information technology back into the cold coop afterwards a long fourth dimension of cozy living and bonding.

When y'all decide to raise an indoor pet chicken, you have to be prepared to exercise so for the chicken'southward lifetime. A typical chicken lives for an average of ten years. That'south a long-term commitment, and you must consider this before making your decision.

3. Are Pets Allowed in Your Apartment?

If y'all're living in a rented apartment, you have to check in with the landlord to know if you're allowed to bring in pets. If pets aren't allowed within, at that place'due south a loftier likelihood that chickens wouldn't be welcome too.

four. Other Pets in the House

If you already have a cat or dog in the house, bringing in a chicken might exist a bad idea. The dog or cat could scare, and even harm your indoor pet chicken.

How to Raise an Indoor Pet Chicken

indoor pet chicken

At present that you've checked all the boxes, let's get right into how to raise an indoor pet chicken. Here is a stride-past-step guide to help you navigate the entire process:

Cull the Right Indoor Pet Chicken

In choosing the right indoor pet chicken, you'll want to have size and temperament into consideration. I prefer a hen to a rooster because the former is less excitable and gives fewer problems compared to the latter.

Also size and temperament, the brood of the chicken also matters. Information technology'due south more convenient to enhance some chicken breeds compared to others. For instance, the Silkie chicken is a friendly, quirky craven that tops my list of the best chicken breeds to raise indoors.

She has lovely feathers that lack barbicels, making her fluffy in appearance. Also, the chicken has a silky plumage, and if yous take kids, they'd love her.

The Sultan Chicken is some other chicken brood you can consider raising indoors. It'due south an ornamental bird, with a puffy crest and long tail. This chicken is elegant and non-aggressive, making her very easy to handle.

There are tons of other chicken breeds to choose from, and the following too make my listing of the best indoor pet chickens: Cochin craven, Barbu D'Uccles, and Polish craven.

Prepare Where the Chicken Will Stay

Y'all have to decide if the craven would take full access to all areas in your house or if it would be restricted to specific areas in your dwelling house. Limiting the motility of the chicken in your house is not a bad idea; some people get out only the ground flooring or some other area open for the chicken. You likewise wouldn't want your craven to accept access to your children's rooms or other areas where the chicken might walk into impairment.

Also, y'all need to get an indoor chicken cage or coop so your chicken can play around information technology without supervision. In doing this, you desire to provide the most natural environment for the chicken as much as you tin. This practice would mean calculation things such every bit some sawdust and straws.

The muzzle'south floor should have a substrate to help cushion the craven's body. Straw is the best substrate to use for the chicken'due south bedding every bit it provides warmth and a salubrious germ balance. The cage should too have enough room to allow the chicken to eat, move about, and sleep.

Chickens love to accept dust baths, and this volition always create a mess around their cage area. So, consider keeping the cage abroad from the kitchen and bedrooms. The areas around the cage should besides be easy to clean, and I propose yous use linoleum flooring around the cage.

For proper hygiene, clean the chicken cage regularly. I recommend doing then at to the lowest degree three times a week.

Brand Arrangements for the Chicken's Poop

indoor chicken coop

Getting a 'poop plan' is probably the almost crucial step you accept to take. Many people who observe the thought of raising a chicken indoors bizarre practice so because they only tin't imagine the chicken's poop in their living room.

If you don't go the poop arrangement right, y'all'll be forced to send your chicken out sooner than you'd expected. Some craven breeds give out waste product more than others, so it's essential to have this in mind when choosing a chicken.

Here are the all-time techniques I utilise:

one. Craven Diapers

Yes, I know that sounds awkward, only there are chicken diapers. Only similar the usual baby diapers, they assist the chicken pet move about the business firm without you lot worrying about them messing up the whole place. Before getting diapers, ensure your chicken breed is well-suited for them.

2. Train Your Chicken Pet

You can choose to train your chicken, just similar you lot would a puppy, with treats or a clicker to always use the litter box. To achieve this, put the chicken pet in a litter box when yous find she's about to release waste and reward her with a treat after. That way, the craven will brainstorm to associate using the little box (adept beliefs) with getting treats.

After the chicken pet gets familiar with using the litter box, y'all can switch from using treats to using a clicker. The chicken will instinctively go to the litter box when she hears the clicker audio.

Some people adopt to clean up the feces as the chicken excretes them. Doing this is not very user-friendly, and there's no guarantee you won't miss some poop in some corners.

Caring For your Indoor Pet Craven

house chicken

In one case your chicken is within, you've got to start caring for her immediately.

Hygiene : Ensure you clean the chicken's environment regularly and adequately.

Clean and Fresh Water : Maintain a constant supply of fresh drinking h2o for your new pet. Y'all tin can buy specially-made drinkers that prevent the chickens from falling into and drowning in them.

Good Feed: Provide a pelleted nutrition for your pet chicken. Fresh feed is essential for the growth and wellness of a craven. Besides, supplement her diet with apple tree cider vinegar (ACV).

Apart from ACV, you tin add together other supplements such as crushed garlic, fresh greens, probiotics, and protein-rich ingredients.

Bonding with your Pet Craven

Bonding with your pet chicken is what makes her a pet in the first place. You have to notice your chicken daily to get to know her beliefs and temperament. Doing this will also help you monitor the chicken's health.

I talk to my pet craven and telephone call her past her proper noun every time. I also savour mimicking her coos, clucks, and warbles because doing so helps me get closer to her.

Only like every other pet, show your pet chicken loads of amore. Make information technology a habit to gently rub the back of her neck, as every chicken loves that. When y'all're not likewise busy, take out time to play with her.

Give the Chicken Some Outdoor Time

Chickens love beingness outdoors, and your indoor pet chicken is no unlike. And then, make room for your chicken to accept a walk outside daily. Likewise, sunlight helps with egg product.


Raising a pet craven is not merely feasible simply fulfilling. Like we've discussed so far, all you lot've got to do is put the necessary arrangements in place, and y'all are on your way to grooming a lovely family craven.

Now, are you set to raise a pet chicken?

  • Plan for where the chicken will stay
  • Have a 'poop programme.'
  • Exist prepared to intendance for your chicken, and
  • Be ready to bail with your pet chicken.

Experience gratuitous to drop whatsoever questions you lot might have in the comments box below. I'm happy to aid.

How to Raise a Baby Chicken in an Apartment


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